As complex concepts are simplified, as is the easy of which they can be administered.
By creating the Persuasive Pattern card deck, accessibility to complex psychological concepts was improved – but the tools comes with a warning: it can force a simplified and deterministic view of the world, where designers only look at cause-and-effect.
We can’t expect the user to take the path we have selected for them. We can’t reduce the world into being that simple. A more holistic view of the world is needed.
As we add persuasive ingredients and persuasion paths to our user experience, we also add to the complexity of the experience, making it increasingly harder for us as designers to administer. At some point, adding more persuasive ingredients will stop adding to the effectiveness of the user experience and later even break it.
Stop forcing users through forced and tunnelled workflows with no room for escape. Allow them to jump in hierarchy by skipping a step or leaving the experience only to come back at another stage. Don’t force untimely education and introduction, but let users out on deep waters with just enough practice and guidance to survive. Support practice and let users learn through trial and error.
Replace hierarchy with purpose. Stop trying to tame the user experience.
Set your user experience free!
Slides can be found here:
User Experience, Cognitive Psychology, Interaction Design, Interface Design, Persuasive Patterns
3 conference talks